Wednesday, October 31, 2007


And so it came to pass after 9 months that the Undercliff Enquiry- after the expenditure of at least £1.5 million of our money - caught its first real shark. The former Deputy Chief Executive had already resigned last week after an allegedly condemning independent report, but the Show Trial on Monday decided to retrospectively sack him. Interestingly the independent report this time hasn't been published as it was with the cleared Finance Director.

The main question that springs to mind is: could the alleged misdemeanours of this officer have been uncovered without the massive legal expenditure of nearly £1 million?

What also springs to mind is how the Deputy Chief Executive was just about the greatest thing since sliced bread for the Tory administration between the elections of 2005 and the arrival of the new Chief Executive one year later....................


Anonymous said...

Every time another senior officer leaves/resigns/retires/is sacked, it costs us taxpayers money- usually with so many noughts on the end that it's unbelievable to us ordinary people on Island wages.
How much longer is this going to continue?
I thought the new administration was going to save money?

Anonymous said...

Hm. And how much do they cost us when they remain in post unmolested, getting contracts and procedures wrong and playing fast and loose with the council's own internal procedures?
The taxpayer coughs up whatever happens; incompetence costs money, especially when senior officers are paid the salaries they are.
You'll only find out if the money paid to get rid of some of these people was well spent if the council publishes the evidence against them. Freedom of Information?