Tuesday, October 23, 2007


And so the Undercliff enquiry dispatches its first victim. One out of 4. Three more to go. I fear for them.

The day after we learnt that the enquiry's legal expenses limit is to be increased to £900,000 next Monday (from its last increase to £700k, which in itself was an increase from £500k, which.......you get the pattern), an email appeared in my Inbox. Telling me that the Head of Highways has been dismissed ------ in his absence ------ and that the most junior of the seven suspended staff will be back at work shortly after a warning.

So to recap - the boss of the Highways head was too ill to appear before the Investigatory and Disciplinary Committee and left quietly, but even though he is also ill his junior - the Highways boss - carries the can even though he is too ill to attend. Cowardly is what I think. No matter if he has done something wrong they should have done it in his presence. There is no suggestion that he was given an ultimatum to turn up or else.


Anonymous said...

So that plus the other internal costs associated with the enquiry this has cost us council taxpayers at least a million quid.
Just think what that could have paid for, e.g. at the hospital or schools.
Appalling. Disgraceful. Unforgiveable.

Anonymous said...

Whilst there may have been some errors made - I feel that the Council and by that I mean Joe Duckworth and his cronies have gone out of their way to get rid of these 7 officers. There is a hidden agenda here, disguised as being for the good of the island and its people, but really just because he wants to surround himself with his own people. Unfortunately the general public are being duped again by the policitians NOT by the officers concerned.

Anonymous said...

Joe Duckworth and the band of WESTMINSTER geeks need to be removed as soon as the cost of the undercliff enquiry will be over TWO MILLION.FACT.

Anonymous said...

Who is cowardly? The council, or the 'too ill' officers? But all the same, this should be handed over to the police if there is any suggestion of criminal conduct, and if there isn't the only people gaining from this are the lawyers. the sooner their gravy train is stopped, the better. Apart from anything else, 'too ill' won't help you if the police come calling.