Thursday, November 16, 2006


Last night's Council ticked over very calmly before exploding at the point of my own Chair of Scrutiny report.

I started the evening being handed a threatening letter for the second month running, which tells you about orchestration, and which will be dealt with in the same manner as last month's.

In the meeting itself the most notable issues before my report were: almost unanimous support for the CPA & JAR Action Plans (who could oppose them?) and a debate about allowing people to buy £1700 home wind turbines without needing planning permission. This was proposed by the leader of the Independent group who is clearly the member the Conservatives want to build up to take over from me as Chair of Scrutiny, and who is also one of the 13 Development Control members who have been feeling a bit silly after they turned down the Wellow planning application. On the basis that putting the onus for wind energy on individuals, and that they are well out of the reach of most people's earnings and savings, Deborah and I abstained on the motion. All the others supported it.

We then went into Cabinet members' and my reports. The usual lecture from the Leader, and a claim from the Cabinet Member for Health etc. that she has been in the Council longer than most - forgetting that it was as an officer, not a councillor ! Though she has seamlessly slipped from one to the other.......

I then presented my written report on Scrutiny, which was then followed by a barrage of attacks on my publicising of a meeting with Wightcare staff on 5 October where they were told by the Cabinet member their service was to stay in-house after a review initiated as a consequence of a Scrutiny report last June. This meeting has been denied ever since, but you can't tell 50+ people something and then pretend it did not happen. They claim I have caused anxiety - I would suggest that the only anxiety is as a result of some people playing politics with people's lives because they don't want to admit Scrutiny did a good job. There was also an attack on me for not using Council 'communications' for my personal press releases about Scrutiny, but hey I am trying to get a positive image for at least ths part of the Council ! Give me some credit ! One thing that was particularly offensive and only too typical of the current Council Chairman - I had to fight to assert my right to repond to all the questions thrown at me. He seemed to want to let them ask questions without letting me reply.

Later during the Cabinet member for Resources, etc. report I attempted to pin her down on questions I have been asking of her (on behalf of Newport Town Management Committee (TMC)) since earlyAugust - regarding what the IWC is spending the £95K they levy from Newport households upon. The balance of £41K is administered by the TMC. This question was met with a hail of half-truths, excuses and denials, to the extent of suggesting I was a liar. Again I had to fight to repond to some of her allegations. I concluded by telling the Chairman that I was 'fed up' with the way he was running Council meetings and in future I will not be assuming a standing position when he leaves the Council Chamber because respect has to be earned.

Finally after the meeting concluded there was a drinks reception for Councillors with the new Island representative of the monarch and his numerous deputies. As a republican not the sort of thing I go along to, but I observed a well-stocked bar as I passed the Chairman's room..............


Anonymous said...

Thank you Geoff for letting us know about the Council meetings. To be very honest, I suspect that your reports are rather biased to your own point of view, BUT in view of the continuous spin given by the other side this is only right and proper so that we can try to judge the truth of the matter for ourselves. Please keep up you essential public work.

Cllr. Geoff Lumley said...

I'm afraid they are partisan, but then I am a quite partisan person ! Cheers

Anonymous said...

"We know what happens to people who stay in the middle of the road. They get run down." - Aneurin Bevan

Anonymous said...

What you say about the way the council is working fits very well with my brother's account. He is a council employee and he is very worried - not just about his job but for his vulnerable 'clients'. He knows that decisions are being made behind closed doors by the ruling party who control not only what is done but how and when it is presented to the public. If they get rid of you there will be no-one to tell us the truth. I just hope you can stick in there.