Monday, November 27, 2006


The following appeared in an IW Council blog last week - one that does not offer a right to reply:

"It’s baffling how some people jump to conclusions without any evidence. Some comments made about senior officers are strange. For example we are putting in place processes for producing high quality papers for members. Frankly this is basic good practice which is the norm in most authorities. But good grief when we tried to implement it here there were some extraordinary comments made about our motivation for doing it!"

I suspect this is something to do with the Scrutiny Committee who have unanimously been defending their right to publish independent reports for some weeks now; reports that are already written by professional officers. The tenacity with which our defence has been opposed does make you question motivations. Hopefully this can be resolved later this week.


Anonymous said...

Do Chief Executive's usually play out their strangely parochial grievances in public like this?

Cllr. Geoff Lumley said...

Not in my 27 year experience of local government.....

Anonymous said...

"an IW Council blog last week - one that does not offer a right to reply"

And the Council's public web forum is now so heavily moderated that people are reduced to discussing how to make tea.