Thursday, May 22, 2008


Last night was Full Council and I have to admit that I left after an hour and a quarter to watch the football at home. Yes, I am human - especially when the guts have been ripped out of Council meetings by this deceitful and unrepresentative Council leadership.

There was little of note to report on the 75 minutes I was there. Dave Burbage was appointed as Interim Chief Exec, the Standards Committee was increased in size so that for every four IW Councillors there is now one Standards member - its getting like Soviet Russia; a Crime Reduction Plan was agreed - Labour voted against due to various omissions; and the latest Local Area Agreement with our public sector partners on the Island was agreed - Labour against due to the 'poverty of ambition' (Cllr Gardiner) in the performance targets. Oh, and I made no speaking contribution for the first time in 3 years - other than a little bit of barracking !


Anonymous said...

Ah, the footie Geoff, you are excused. How I laughed when Ronaldo missed - then suffered when JT missed just moments later!

Word is the Tory group are restless. We shall see but could they really remove their Leader - again?

Cllr. Geoff Lumley said...

If they don't want to be annihilated next year they will have to.