Monday, February 06, 2006


Been very busy, which will explain no updates for nearly a week.

Wednesday spent thinking about and working on the alternative budget Labour will present on 22nd.

Thursday went along to the Safer Communities Policy Commission. At this the decision was made to de-criminalise car parking offences. I stressed the need to keep this service in-house to protect a revenue source for the Council, which the Council Leader assured me was what the administration will do. Also a paper considered about public drinking, which will provide legal remedies for the sorts of problems we have seen around Newport - including Pan recreation ground - since the Church Litten ban.

Today I went along to a Strategic Asset Management group meeting at the invitation of the Tory Chair. They want me to be involved as an opposition member. I found it interesting and potentially powerful, but I am wary of doing too much. I will decide after another meetinmg or so.

Later I was at the launch of the Newport Town Council petition. I am committed to this due to the unfairness of double taxation on existing parished areas, the potential for more local decision-making about our town, and my belief that there should never be taxation without representation. I suspect there will be elements of opposition, but all the parties are behind this.

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