Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I went along to the Policy Commission I am on tonight - the one for Care, Health Scrutiny & Housing - to be greeted by a veritable phalanx of Health managers and Trust members from both the Island and the Strategic Health Authority. The main issue on the agenda for me was an update on the proposed IW health and social care integration.

There is still a commitment to achieve this from both the Council leadership and the IW Health Trusts, but the Leader of the Council was at pains to stress that it can only be achieved if the Trusts sort their finances out. Given that there seems to be as much chance of that as me thinking Alan Shearer is not a dirty footballer, this is clearly the 'dead duck' a Conservative councillor has recently deemed it. A shame really because it is the right way forward - but not at any cost to Council Tax payers

We were told last August that the IW Trusts would be in financial blanace by this March. It now seems to be next March. What odds on 'March 2008' this time next year?

Significantly the Chair of the Strategic Health Authority - a very important personage - stressed my own repeated point. The NHS is in receipt of record Government funding, but how that is spent and managed in local Trusts needs to improve.....

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