Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Cabinet last night at which I somehow managed to get them to amend their own consultation response to SEEDA's Regional Economic Strategy. I said that I was unhappy at the lack of emphasis on having a higher earnings economy on the IW and they agreed, and will amend their response ! Worth going along.
NB. SEEDA = South East Economic Development Agency.

There was also the Audit Commission's report on their 'improving adequately' 2-star status for 2004/5 - up to Oct o5. I drew attention to a number of cautionary statements in the report about staff morale, changes at the 'top', lack of capacity, and the proposed health integration.

The cabinet also approved the next consultative document for the Island Plan.

This morning, with the latest rumours about the parlous state of the Health Trusts' finances (borrowing money just to limit their overspend, which last autumn they pledged they would not have), the health integration was pronounced to be a 'dead duck' by a Tory member. Indeed ! Exactly what Labour has been saying for months. I will watch with interest how they will try to wriggle out of this one.


Anonymous said...

You see, there is some point! Keep it up Geoff.

And as for another oncoming volte-face by the Tories, well what a surprise. These quislings have no compunction about reneging on their electoral promises -a good thing too as they promised such a silly lot of self-contradictory nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the Solent.tv poll would be a good place to register views on their progress so far