Sunday, February 19, 2006


This week will see the Conservative's establish their service-slashing budget for the next year, and set the financial tone for the next four years. Wednesday evening at 6pm will see the Annual Budget Council where they will reveal how they plan to cut £9m from the Council's budget. There is great secrecy about their budget, despite my request to get it into the open ahead of the meeting. Many people are worried who are dependent on local services. Very worryingly their restricted consultations on the budget seem to have supported their service-slashing agenda - as highlighted by a young man in this week's CP letters page.

Deborah and I will propose a budget alternative that will attempt to lessen the effect of their proposals and offer a clear choice between their political dogma and the real needs of the Island. Of course it will be sunk without trace..........

The Council meeting will also see attempts to re-surrect opposition control of the Scrutiny function. That is in the hands of the other opposition groups and hopefully they will join with Labour in formalising the holding the administration to account.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are only so many things that can be cut. Most will involve vulnerable people! Cut can also damage things we think are protected. Support to the various departments within County Hall could suffer problems with help from personnel, salaries, pensions advice etc. In schools for example it support is already confusing with staff having been moved out from existing posts. There could be a very serious loss of continuity and expertise. Once gone the Council might find it cannot function in certain areas and could be open to litigation and being judged incompetent.