The latest Forward Plan of decisions intended by the leadership up to the end of the year demonstates how undemocratic the Island Tories have become.
Out of 42 Council-level decisions planned for the next 4 months, 18 will be made by individual Cabinet members under 'delegated' powers (a whopping 43%), 21 will be made by the Cabinet collectively, and just 3 will go to Full Council (just 7%).
Interestingly the Forward Plan at this time last year - pre-Coup - had 28 decisions planned, 8 by Cabinet member (29%), with 5 to go to Full Council (18%).
I know modernisation of local government was supposed to lead to more streamlined decision-making (though I had my doubts), but I am sure that negating the need for Full Council meetings was not the overall intention.
One very interesting decision planned to be taken by a Cabinet member is on an "Unreasonably persistent customers policy" ! With no consultation with other Elected members......... It must only be a matter of time before I am subject to an "Unreasonably persistent councillor policy".....
The public need to be made aware of this assault on their democratic rights. Roll on 2009 and the chance to show these councillors how democracy works - by the ballot box.
It will be interesting to see the tactics they come up with.
This is presumably not yet in the public domain as it's not to be found on the website under decisions to be taken?
Does persistent mean that you keep asking when they avoid answering your question/s?
If so, how do you get an answer? The ICO is in a mess and doesn't even acknowledge requests for help in obtaining information.
see page 13 of:
It does mean that, and if you are deemed 'unreasonable' you don't get an answer.
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