I came across a discarded Liberal 'Focus' flyer today in a part of Newport soon to have a by-election......
These flyers always give me real laugh at the bare-faced cheek of people who will never govern Britain and who were overwhelmingly ejected from County Hall by Islanders just 3 years ago.
An absolute classic in this edition was, "We want to cut Tory waste by replacing highly-paid chief officers (of the IW Council) with staff who actually do the work".
Of course cutting Tory waste is laudable, but this suggested solution is complete balderdash. The best they could do is terminate the contracts of the current chief officers, involving massive compensation costs - out of our pockets. They would then have to replace most of them as Council's have to have certain chief officers, who by their nature don't come cheap if they are any good. The thought of a new chief executive on say £100k per year instead of the £175k paid by the Tories, then doing front-line work - issuing parking penalties perhaps? - is just so ridiculous it can only be a LibFib !
Watch out for more LibFibs............(1st in a new series)
Well spotted Geoff. At the last election many candidates standing officially as Liberals didn't mention the party on any of their leaflets. What were they ashamed of?
I recently saw one in London 'written' by Lib darling Dr Vincent Cable, former Shell director. This didn't mention his party either except in tiny writing as the 'publisher' What a dishonest shower they are.
Lib Fibs, would that be like Labour fibs, lies that make out Labour is a socialist government.
Yet another LibFib. When did the Labour government ever claim to be 'socialist'?
They just can't help themselves !!!!!
It's an unbelievable comment from Liberals on the island, who ploughed their way through several chief execs and senior officers, yet kept the worst of them in post. I hate the bidding up of chief officer salaries that's been going on, but the secret is to employ the right person in the first place. With all due respect to others, the last top quality chief was John Horsnell.
There's no need to pay huge amounts when getting rid of officers, you just find them guilty of some trumped-up offence! Easy.
Andy is spot on but only problem is trumped up offence cost £1 million + in lawyers fees....
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