Monday, July 02, 2007


While catching up with the CP for the week I was away I noted the following headline, "Peter is new champion for Pan". Bloody hell I thought, I must have been in a coma or something and they have had a by-election in my absence !

Anyway I read on and learnt that this bloke is someone who has been appointed by the Tory IW Council and Medina HA as Development Manager for the Pan development - in other words someone whose loyalty is to his employers and no one else. And yet he is claiming, to quote, "I see my role as being a champion of residents as the new estate rises, as well as a focal point for residents who wish to air their concerns about Pan. "

Clearly this man hasn't worked much in local government before, but in case there is any doubt - employed officers serve councillors and I was elected as the champion for Pan. Damn cheek!


Anonymous said...

How much is this bloke costing? Besides yourself, I thought there was a team "Pan Partnership" to champion the residents' concerns, etc. So why another person and what will his role be?

Cllr. Geoff Lumley said...

Not sure, but at least £30k per annum. Pan Neighbourhood Partnership also does exist, so not sure what his role is.