Wednesday, May 09, 2007


According to its website,

"The ISP is the Island Strategic Partnership - bringing together representatives from the public, business, voluntary and community sectors to deliver a Community Strategy for the Island. The Community Strategy is an overall plan for the Island that draws on and influences plans from key local organizations, and summarises the long-term strategic vision and aims of the ISP.

The Community Strategy is also built around the Local Area Agreement (LAA) - a contract between the government and the Isle of Wight, identifying priorities for the Island and improvement targets the Island wants to address these priorities.

The LAA was signed by the ISP, the Isle of Wight Council and the government in April 2006.

That LAA and the Community Strategy set out objectives for the Island to be delivered over the next three years by the council, the NHS and partners from the public, private and voluntary and community sectors."

As we haven't heard much more about it since April last year I decided to go along to one of their meetings today, with half an eye on a future scrutiny enquiry. I checked their website last night - - which indicated the ISP Board was meeting at 4pm today in County Hall.

Well I got there and there was no one there ! I checked with an officer who told me it had been cancelled. I revisited the website when I got home to discover that the Board meeting was now marked as cancelled. I explored the website a bit more and noticed that minutes of meetings are pretty well dated.

What on earth is going on ? I will have to delve further.

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