Tuesday, September 19, 2006


When I set up my blog 16 months ago I wanted to provide an online point of information and comment for - 1. my constituents; 2. other Islanders. I have always been very happy to see comments on my posts, I always try to respond to them, and I NEVER edit them. Of necessity the blog has been parochial as I don't want to become some intellectual ego massager, which would be irrelevant to the majority of my readers.

After 16 months I am still going, but what I find very sad is the absence of other political blogs on the Island. Where is the MP, where is the Tory Council leader, where are other senior Tory councillors ? Blogging is the future of political activity - as recognised by the national Tory Chairman the other evening - but here on the Island the local Tories are still caught up in lodge communications rather than the age of mass communications.

It would be good to see rivals, but I won't hold my breath. Secrecy is at the core of Conservatism.


Anonymous said...

You deserve hearty congratulations on your proactive use of this blog. I've found it to be an immensely helpful window in to the world of the members - and the comments have been quite enlightening too.

Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

yes Geoff - I enjoy your blog too and find it informative.

As for why the Council leader doesn't blog? Well, you don't want the whole world knowing your secrets do you???