Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Tomorrow sees the first Full Council meeting for two months. The agenda is scant in the extreme, but still gives an opportunity to ask questions of Cabinet members and for me to be accountable as Chair of Scrutiny.

I have put in four advance written questions, one of which questions the secretive and clandestine nature of this Council leadership.....Of course there is still the opportunity to hold the Cabinet to account with oral questions on the night.


Anonymous said...

Is it like a question and answer session then? In our council the agenda has reports on it and motions for discussion (usually by the opposition discussing wheelie bins or independence from the SNP) but we don't get a question and answer service.

And keep up the good work on the Scrutiny my dad is the chair of the Scrutiny Board in our council so I know that it is a lot of work.

Cllr. Geoff Lumley said...

Rayleen: Yes, we have time-limited Q&A sessions for each Cabinet member, after their formal Report. occasionally we have motions, but with the Tories controlling 75% of seats debates are a bit predictable..

I had a look at your blog - and your Dad's. Quite a firebrand, isn't he ?