With all the continuing concerns about the Council Leader I was giving some thought as to who would replace him if he did the decent thing and resigned. And to be frank it is clear that he is pretty much the strongest in a jar of Tory tadpoles. Looking at the rest of his Cabinet it is clear that the most the best of them (Bingham, Cousins) can offer is a similar level of 'bureaucratic' leadership rather than the political vision and strategic thinking the Island really requires.
Casting my mind back it is clear that IW Council leaders of the last 30 years have been a fairly uninspiring lot when it comes to vision and strategic thinking. Morris B (1983-98) was the ultimate machine politician who delivered 4 successive Liberal Council victories before standing down. I suppose you can't ask much more of political leadership ! Marc M-H (1998-2000) hardly stuck around long enough to make a difference - and the Council was hung and consequently paralysed. Shirley S (2000-05) nearly harmed herself holding together the Island First egos, whilst they bled the Council Tax payer dry.
To be honest the one leader in my opinion who had any political vision and any idea of strategy was Sutton (2005-07), but he lost sight of where he was supposed to be going as soon as the trappings of office had settled on his shoulders.
So all in all if Pugh were to go eventually his replacement won't have a lot to live up to........
I agree Geoff, Cllr Pugh should step down. He was fairly ruthless in his condemnation of his party colleagues when they made mistakes. He who lives by the sword etc. Morris was probably the best of a poor bunch. Marc could probably have been good if he'd had a decent majority. It is hard to see which of the present Tories has what's needed, my vote would be for Dawn Cousins. At least she's mature, has a brain and knows how local authorities actually work. I doubt she has DP's ambition either.
Think about the leaders pre Barton... There were some good and dutiful leaders then, leaders first, politicians second.
Problem is the world of 2010, politicially and financially is different to that of the late 70s, and much more is expected of a leader.
Someone needs to bite the bullet and allow a directly elected leader / mayor.
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