After the Council Budget debate it was clear that many Conservative councillors had absolutely no idea what personalisation of social care means as they voted through particularly savage cuts to voluntary sector services for vulnerable people. So I was relieved to see that the subject was on the Adult Social Care, Health & Housing Scrutiny Panel's agenda for this Thursday. I thought it would be an opportunity for some light to be shed for their benefit.
Sadly though I was told yesterday that councillors will instead have a training session on this subject, and the matter will no longer be considered in public at this stage. I have challenged this, but the Panel Chair has confirmed the decision.
What is most worrying is that the ruling Tory group based much of its Budget cuts on the personalisation agenda when quite clearly very few of them have any idea what it involves. Its enough to make carers weep with disbelief.
1 comment:
Well done Geoff. The councillor's I've spoken to seem to blame the communications office for the bad press. They think there are no cuts and that they've just failed to get their message over. Crazy but true. They also blame the cuts and hike in parking charges for the Pugh fiasco. I doubt the training will help them understand what is happening - I honestly doubt they care.
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