I attended the Adult Social Care, Health & Housing Scrutiny Panel tonight. A rare event - two members of the public at a Scrutiny Panel, but they left soon after the Chair announced that the personalisation agenda item was not to be dealt with tonight (see my previous post). But they didn't leave until after I had made my very strong objections to this decision and the general demise of proper scrutiny on this Council.
Clearly the Tories are getting increasingly sensitive on the personalisation matter and the appalling way it is being implemented financially, with the Cabinet member (Cousins) now trying to suggest that I was one of those who did not understand the subject as I hadn't ever attended any of her informal policy briefings. I prefer not to listen to Tory distortions as I have a quite clear understanding, thank you.......She even tried to drag up my previous unhappiness about some of the Pan development consultations !!! Bonkers...
As for the rest of the meeting. Well this just isn't scrutiny as I know it and understand it. Presentations, consultations and performance review of old-hat data is frankly a complete waste of my time. And that of the other panel members. Its just insulting.
I will continue to attend to point this out to the panel chair at every meeting, but its like saying 'Elvis was rubbish' at an Elvis Presley convention.......
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