I went along to the Standards Not Tiers public meeting on Monday night. It was a very interesting meeting and confirmed that the Council decision of 19 March on schools reorganisation won't be left unchallenged. I won't go into all the details, but SNT are preparing a serious legal challenge to the planned reorganisation - and if that fails are planning to contest the elections to the IW Council next May/June with more than 20 supporting candidates claimed so far.
Given that they are likely to stand primarily against local Tories who reneged on their election promises of 2005, it could be that just at the time the British people may be having collective amnesia about the dangers of Tories at a national election, the good people of the Isle of Wight could be kicking the Tories out here for being what they always are - dishonest b***ds !
There's good and bad in all parties at all levels but a Labour Party member calling the Conservatives dishonest is a real case of pot and kettle.
I wish with all my heart that we could magic some politicians of any colour party who would put the interests of the country before their own.
But I don't hold out much hope.
Is it not correct that government were going to take back monies from councils that had more than 10% empty school places. Nobody seems to bring this up, Or perhaps we should send council tax through the roof like we did when the Liberals were in power, that could pay for the shortfall.
Pot /Kettle/ Black indeed. New Labour have been the most dishonest bunch of politicians we've ever had. Breathtaking liars in all positions. Collective amnesia on an Ernest Saunders scale.
Standards not tiers are wasting their money. The island needs 2 tiers like the rest of the UK. Get over it.
Of course not a single example for his wild allegations from Mr cowardly, snipe from the shadows 'Anonymous' ! All I need to say is Jonathon Aitken and Neil Hamilton. I cannot recall any Labour minister politician going to jail in the last 11 years. The Tories are synonymous with sleaze and dishonesty.
Unfortunately you are all the same, either incompetent or corrupt or both.
There is no difference between the Tories selling off our public utilities to foreign governments, and Labour giving away our gold reserves.
Whichever party wins the next local and national elections, the vast majority of ordinary working people will lose.
We'll lose because Labour have left us in more debt than any other nation on earth. They have been incompetent on a scale previously unseen. The losers will be taxpayers, future generations. The Tories would be mad to take over this mess in 12 months.
As for politicians in jail the Tories were individually dishonest about matters personal to them. Labour ministers have lied for personal gain. Some could have been jailed ( Mandelson) others may still face criminal charges.
Come on Geoff, you've had some very bad days reading about your ministers sleaze and dodgy party activities this past 11 years, why not just own up? Labour people have been bent.
Labout took a million pounds from Formula 1 within months of winning. They then changed the rules to allow fag advertising. It's amazing that no-one was jailed for this blatant bribe. Sadly it was just the beginning.
But who will rid us of these troublesome politicians? Or should it be turbulent? Wish I'd listened at school.
The future is worrying as there is not much to choose between the policies of the main parties. Will it matter anyway, as we will soon be just a region of Europe and the weasels will be gloating over their rewards for betraying this country?
The rest of us will just have to lump it. If I was young I would be looking to get out, much as I hate to accept defeat. Sometimes you just have to accept the inevitable.
I fear you're right. It'll take decades to recover from the chronic debt Labour have landed us with. Call me Dave aint gonna do it in ten years.
Labour will be out of power for twenty years.
chronic debt! What chronic debt? As I understood it, labour has reduced our National Debt over the last 11 years. If this is not the case, please state what it was in 1997 and what it is now so we can all see the difference.
Also as I understand it, the local tory group have reduced the Council's reserve fund of £30M to less than £6M. As their receipts from seeling off property has fallen from an expected £12M to £5M those final reserves will now be used up.
Statistics, lies and statistics. Any statistics can be whatever you want them to be, ask any politician. Far better to look at, for example, the Taxpayers Alliance site. All politicians are liars, they wouldn't be in politics if they weren't.
David Pugh and his crew are no different to the Westminster lot, just on a smaller scale. It's someone else's money, see?
Does David Pugh still live with his parents? In which case he doesn't even pay council tax but he does get a good wodge out of the council tax payer for getting his picture in the paper a lot. Nice work if you can get it.
Some people obviously live in La-La Land. The rest of us have to deal with real life.
Labour are leaving the country in a terrible mess. Fact.
We are the most indebted nation on earth, the public spending boom of the past 11 years was fueled by easy credit. Our chickens have come home to roost. Once call me Dave takes over there will be mass unemployment as these non jobs vanish and credit becomes impossible to obtain. No more the postworkers on £14k buying 6 'buy to lets' with 100% mortgages believing Gordon's 'end to boom and bust' nonsense. Oh Gordie, it wasn't a boom it was an almighty bang! Hadron collider eat your heart out!
Perhaps anonymous at 7.56pm would care to explain in a little more detail exactly how the country is in less debt now than in 1997.
While you are about it perhaps you could give some of your invaluable views on how national debt can be further reduced. No doubt you know better than the IMF etc.
Perhaps anonymous at 7.56pm would care to explain in a little more detail exactly how the country is in less debt now than in 1997.
While you are about it perhaps you could give some of your invaluable views on how national debt can be further reduced. No doubt you know better than the IMF etc.
Sorry! Why do I need to explain? The previous poster bemoaned the "chronic debt" that Labour have landed us with. All I asked was for them to state what the debt was in 1997 and what it is now so we can the increase (if any). Why is that so difficult?
Harder than you'd think. Labour has committed us to billions in off balance sheet PFI deals. They even sold off the revenue and customs building to an offshore tax avoider. The figures are complex but the IMF claim Britain is indeed the most heavily indebted nation on the planet.
'Crisis what crisis?' Now where have we heard that before.
Anonymous at 10.10. You must be a politician, answer the question please.
Perhaps I could answer the question when anonymous answers mine, I did ask first!
As for the billions of PFI deals, is this the same PFI that Cllr Pugh will use to repair the Island's roads, over £325 million, is this an investment or a debt?
Anonymous who said that the national debt is lower now than in 1997: You just answered your own question. It's like the RPI, depends what you put in it. Of course the cost of living is going to look smaller if you ignore, for example, mortgage repayments which, for most people, is a large part of their monthly outgoings.
Statistics is a tool to be used however the statistician chooses.
Wasn't some of the funding for IOW roads a non-repayable grant anyway?
Signed: Despairing Realist.
Dear D.R - so I am lead to believe.
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