A delegated decision was made today by the Cabinet Member for Children that relied upon MISLEADING the public about the futures of the church-aided schools at Carisbrooke High School, ABK RC Middle and Trinity CE Middle.
The decision, made outside of the committee process and entirely non-responsive to representations that I made, is to merge these two Middle schools as from September this year.
A decision made despite the fact that the so-called earlier consultation on this merger made no mention of the subsequent plans to create a new 'faith' secondary school from the two Middle schools and Carisbrooke High - the so-called Christ the King College. Something I would have thought was pretty pertinent......
Delegated decisions are supposed to be forewarned in something called the Forward Plan. This one wasn't.
In the past when I have made representations about a delegated decision I have always had a considered reply before they made the decision. Its called going through the process, but newer Cabinet members don't seem to understand that. This decision stinks.
Don't know.
Who should care? Every parent.
I certainly care, and I'm glad it's been brought to our attention. Where is the transparency and openness in this way of working, where a cabinet member can give take such a critical decision on his own, behind closed doors? That's just wrong.
there is a supposed charity called COMMON PURPOSE and to get round the requirements for registering belonging to a secret society they call them graduates, they are in the council, police, hospitals, lawyers etc and have to swear allegiance, not to the bodies from which they are paid but to COMMON PURPOSE. This is the reason you do not see these people Prosecuted.
Total Tosh. As barmy as the little green men from space or the Freemasons control everything theorists. It just aint true!
I care, and I'm not even a parent, I just don't think the way things are happening at the moment is good for the Isle. Have some altruism...
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