So the Council's referral of the internal Undercliff enquiry 'evidence' to the Police last autumn has resulted in no further actions, due to 'insufficient evidence' of criminal activity or corruption.
So that's £2million of public money wasted by the Council and who knows how much of the Police budget spent on a pointless referral.
Someone suggested to me that it should be the Council which is the subject of a Police enquiry for wasting Police time.........
Good punch and Judy politics Geoff, but only weeks ago you claimed a more accurate £1 million cost for this investigation.
That insufficient evidence is found or available to bring a prosecution does not mean no-one is guilty. Several employees are clearly guilty of something, even if it is 'only' gross incompetence.
I regret the money spent but feel we had no alternative but to investigate. The persons surely responsible for the waste of our money are the officers dismissed not the IWC.
I regret such senior people earning large sums from the public purse chose to keep their mouths shut rather than adopt the tv style 'it's a fair cop guv' approach!
David. I have consistently said the Undercliff costs were around £2m - check 'search blog'!
Anonymous : David? David Pugh? Anyone who comments openly puts thier name. Are you going to take the "it's a fair cop guv" line when the schools mess hits the fan? Hope so....
I have been watching the unfolding disaster at T5, where it appears that British Airways staff have been warning their senior management for years that it would all go wrong.
Is it too late for Mr Pugh to learn some lessons from BA?
Bring back a properly functioning Scrutiny Committee and let's not turn the Isle of Wight into one big 'Animal Farm'.
Steph Welch
Sadly, I think that it's a bit too late, at least until May 2009.
Steph Welch
The 'we' in 'we had no choice but to investigate' is we as taxpayers, people with an interest in what went wrong. I am not IW Council. Sadly thanks to the wall of silence from the now departed senior officers we'll never really know why and how it DID all go wrong.
The 'David' Mr Lumley refers to is not David Pugh, although it wouldn't s'prise me if he, like me and many other people interested or involved in IW politics read this blog!
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