A keen Council watcher sent me an email remarking on the number of loyal Tories who have yet to make an unscripted contribution to Full Council in 3 years - and how once a Tory shakes the whip you can hardly shut them up !
The wordless currently number 9 - or one quarter of the original group before the leadership starting its blood feuds.
I'm too polite to mention their names, but I am sure others aren't........
I'll open the bidding with
Lady Pigot
John Hobart
Ivor Bulwer
Silent as the grave...
Never heard of any of them..
Do their constituents know they don't speak - especially those with schools up for closure? You'd think they might have said something about that?
please name them I think we the electorate have a right to know.
Colin West - doesn't speak
Margaret Webster - only if it is written down for her by someone
Gill Kennett - only if it is written down for her
Susan Scoccia - as above
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