Looking at the current Council committee membership of the 34 members of the Tory group, nearly one third - ELEVEN - are either members of no committees or just one.
With the recent removal of Cllrs Bishop and Churchman from all their committees they join Cllrs Sutton and Joyce as 'non-persons' due to the Standards Board referral. In addition we have two ex-Cabinet members - Ward & Swan - and new councillor Humber, all with NO committee role.
With just one committee each are Cllrs Arnold, Effemey, McRobert and Peacey-Wilcox.
I guess it's very cold on the outside eh Geoff? Oh to be in with the in crowd! Some of these slightly non councillors are not highly regarded in the er, brain department is my guess. My tip for a safe return is to learn to say YES.
Yes to what ?
Yes to everything the Leadership wants.. Combine that with some toadying and keeping your own opinions to yourself is surely the best way to get on?
This strategy seems to have worked Nationally for those who failed to oppose Gordon Brown's leadership bid!
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