Friday, November 24, 2006


Survived last night's Scrutiny Committee. Such is my unpopularity amongst many people at County Hall these days - see Charlotte Hofton in CP today - the meeting had the potential to kick-off over the Wightcare decision and the refusal to accept Scrutiny's role in that. However, Deborah and I earlier took the view that the decision was ultimately more important than who claims the credit and we just welcomed the decision not to privatise. Thanks to one of my Conservative committee members for easing that process.

The much-delayed 'call in' of the Cabinet's further steps to closer working with Health - you can't really call it 'integration' anymore - proved reasonably successful as the Cabinet member assured us that when she actually implements this delayed decision it will be very different from what it was. Quite clearly their feet are getting chillier by the week.

The school governors we had along were very helpful to the school attainment enquiry, and I very generously allowed the education Cabinet member to respond on the hoof to some of their criticisms. He will have more of an opportunity at next month's meeting when he will be invited as a formal witness to this enquiry.

Finally I suspect this was the first meeting of any committee/commission of the Council for some time to end with the Chief Exec, his deputy CX and the assistant CX all sat in the public area.........we must be doing something right !

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