Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Went to my first roadshow Cabinet tonight, which was announced by the Council leader as being in Northwood though we all knew we were in Northwood House - possibly the most inaccessible and inhospitable place they could have chosen for a November evening !

As ever, as soon as I was seen entering the room the 'I'm ignoring you' routine clicked into action ! Its now well over a month that I have been ignored by the Council leader - all because I object to being attacked over my lack of religious belief.

Anyway the Cabinet was tedium in the extreme. Papers went though 6:0 - Cllr Abraham presumably preparing for absences after his IW Fire Service martyrdom - with no questions other than the regular contribution from the member for Northwood - who then left presumably because he realised Northwood Village Management Committee don't meet in Northwood House....

The questions I had on their CPA Improvement Plan or JAR Action Plan are better left to a democratic forum like Full Council - where they will go next.

Oh, and there was a list of the 'family silver'.............wonder why ?

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