Thursday, June 19, 2008


Full Council last night. A very slight agenda saw two discussions - the Standards Committee's annual report, and a new Economic Strategy. I questioned the need for the latter - it isn't a statutory requirement and it ends up joining the many documents produced by this Council that end up gathering dust somewhere. However, we were all very grateful to receive yet another correctional diatribe from the ex-leader........apparently it secures the Council some money. Pity that wasn't mentioned in the report !

Ten of us wanted the Standards report deferred until the 'Craven Court Seven' (the planning one) investigation is eventually concluded and its lessons incorporated, but that was defeated.

Not much else to say really !


Anonymous said...

Wait a minute Geoff, from what I read in the CP you forgot to mention the erstwhile Deputy Leader's pearls of wisdom cast amongst the tourism swine. Apparently, all the island needs to do is "smile at the tourists" - is that just like the Great White before it strips the unsuspecting bather of everything but the bare bones or, indeed, is it like the Bombastic Brown before he asset strips the Council ? He fails dismally to hide his contempt on both counts - meanwhile, under his charge, the Council and the local economy will disappear down a Big Brown hole.

Anonymous said...

As a connoisseur of barbs, this one was beautifully put. It made me reflect that I smiled at a tourist couple last week, while explaining to them that the bus they were waiting for was never going to arrive as the route had been cut from the timetable. They seemed strangely unimpressed. If our lifeblood is tourism, it explains the anaemic IW economy.