Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Learnt of former councillor Bernard Buckle's death today. I got to know Bernard in the late 90s when he was recovering from alcoholism. IW Labour selected him as a Council candidate in early 2001 and he went on to win Cowes Central by 8 votes - much to many people's surprise. From then on things went very badly indeed. He started drinking again and after too many embarrassments the Labour group whip was withdrawn in October 2001 and he was asked to leave the party. After that I had nothing to do with him, but his death just made me feel what a wasted talent. Bernard had many qualities and many drawbacks, but his end is perhaps the inevitable consequence of his own spiral of decline.

Arrived at Cabinet 30 minutes late tonight after a Medina High governors meeting. Meeting was just drawing to a close ! No opportunity to ask questions about the dreadful performance indicators for July-September (over half now being missed, up from a third the previous quarter) and the £2 million in-year budget shortfall without knowing what had gone before. Checked with someone afterwards and no one else attending had questioned these - only one other opposition member there, but he said nothing.

This is becoming quite disgraceful ! With Mazillius back in his tribe, it is down to Deborah and I to hold this Council to account. The LibDems are entirely absent and the independents practically the same. However, if I can't make the Cabinet meetings due to other commitments (pursuing school standards in this instance) Deborah certainly can't as 6pm is just the worst possible time for a parent of a young child. If we are having evening meetings they should be at 7/7.30 if they are to be really inclusive and engaging.

I will pursue my planned questions at Full Council tomorrow evening..........

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