Thursday, January 01, 2009


Just back from a few days away re-charging my batteries for the next 6 challenging months. My very best wishes for 2009 to everyone.

As usual at this time of year I summarise here the activity on my Blog over the previous 12 months:

This blog has now completed its third complete calendar year - 3 years and 8 months in total. In 2008 I posted 115 times. That's a post every three days ( down a third on last year) and I hope readers still find them reasonably interesting and informative. The evidence suggests they do..........

I had 25,048 page hits throughout the year - a 72% increase on last year - an average of 68 per day;

and 8,882 new visitors to add to the 11,026 I had at the start of the year = 19,908 different visitors over the year - an annual increase of 81%. I suppose I am still providing some sort of service.


Anonymous said...

Of course you're still providing a service; where else would the disenchanted, the elderly, the malcontents etc go for their periodic ventings of spleen? My local library is too small, I can't hear conversations in the pub over the throng.... If it weren't for this blog, I'd be talking to myself. Would you? Yes, I would.
Happy New Year to your and yours; and to me and mine, with the possible exception of the large rat which found a gap in the wall at 3 this morning, and got himself trapped in my flat. I'm going to have to change my mind about cats (see below...).

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you too! I greatly enjoy your blog, and some of the comments too. I'm always surprised at how a seemingly innocuous posting from you - eg saying Merry Xmas and a peaceful new year - can spark a wave of back-biting. But then again it draws in people on the Island who give very articulate and considered replies, like Robert Jones.

Thanks for the blog - I appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

That was sheer coincidence that I posted that at the same time as you, Robert!

Anonymous said...

Robert - it's never too late to see the error of your ways. Somewhere on the Island is your very own rat catcher!

Anonymous said...

I've heard that the second floor at County Hall is an easy place to smell a rat...

Anonymous said...

What's on the 2nd floor? I thought the councillors' dens were on the 4th floor.