Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Today we learnt that a Conservative MP who misused public money to support his son's further education will probably be suspended from Westminster for 2 weeks.

Here on the Isle of Wight a councillor (not Labour) who was found guilty by the Standards Board of not declaring a prejudicial interest against a candidate who he was considering for a public appointment was suspended for TWO MONTHS by the local Standards Committee.

Seems very unbalanced to me.


Anonymous said...

You make me laugh Geoff. If Labour ministers had been banned every time they did something dodgy we wouldn't have had a government this past ten years.

Think how it all started in 1997. Formula 1(Tony) Dodgy dossier (Tony) Mandelson x2 Then the Clapham and Blunkett scandals blah blah. It seems none of them can remember where the cash ever comes from either. Sleazy Labour have been far worse than the Tories were, quite an achievement eh Geoff.

Cllr. Geoff Lumley said...

Jonathon Aitken, Jeffrey Archer, David Mellor........

Anonymous said...

You run out of names far quicker with the Tories!

Anonymous said...

Judge Jeffries memory alive and well down here eh?

frank said...

all as bad as each other - Tory or Labour why is it that so many of our politicians seem to be unable to hold basic standards

Anonymous said...

Temptation. They get above themselves, lose touch with reality. Thankfully they're not all like that but power does seem to corrupt. Both Labour and the Tories before them in government have too much arrogance.

Anonymous said...

Come on geoff, you were too kind in your short sleaze list - her's a few more:- John Browne, Stephen Norris,Tim Yeo, Tim Smith, Neil Hamilton, Graham Riddick, David Tredinnick...

Cllr. Geoff Lumley said...

There were just too many bent Tories for me to recall them all ! There are probaly at leasta couple every year over the last century just at a national level .