Friday, December 07, 2007


Last night was the first Scrutiny Committee under Cllr Miller. I quite enjoyed it (!), and a lot of useful stuff was learnt, particularly about the Council's Reserves (of which more at a later date).

The committee now seems to be three very distinct groups - 1. those who want to hold the administration to account (me, the Liberal, the 3 co-optees, and the 2 parent school governors on education matters); 2. the two independents including Cllr Miller, uncertain whether to be critical or friendly; and 3. the Tories who made no worthwhile contribution last night and are there purely as lobby fodder.

There are only 4 Tories at present due to a cockup with all their recent sackings, but they will be back to a majority after next week's Full Council with the addition of one person so close to the Cabinet it is entirely unethical for them to be Scrutiny members.

The agenda last night included the Budget & Reserves, and school standards. Astonishingly the Tories had nothing worthwhile to say on these two fundamentally important topics ! Clear evidence that they are not interested in Scrutiny - just interested in stopping the committee making critical recommendations to the Cabinet.

When I got home afterwards something struck me. If I and one or two others hadn't been there the meeting would have had little credibility. Something to ponder over the next few weeks........


Anonymous said...

Geoff, do you still think you were right to resign as Chairman? Any regrets?

Cllr. Geoff Lumley said...

Yes. No regrets.

Anonymous said...

Non, rien de rien!
Non, je ne regrette rien....