Sunday, December 30, 2007


This blog has now completed its second complete calendar year - 2.67 years in total. In 2007 I have posted 178 times - 166 more than the other IW Council related blog ! That's a post every two days and I hope my readers have found them reasonably interesting and informative.....

I had 14,566 page hits throughout the year - a 10% increase on last year - an average of 40 per day; and 5,878 new visitors to add to the 5,148 I had at the start of the year = 11,026 different visitors over the year - an annual increase of 114%. I suppose I am still providing some sort of least you get the truth here, not just spin.

At this time last year I said that I was doubtful if I would continue as Scrutiny Chair past April. I was only one month out, being compelled to resign in May due to Tory lies and deceit. Nothing much changes !

Consequently I have had more time to concentrate on the people who put me in County Hall - not that I was neglecting them before - and I hope I am still an effective and assiduous councillor for Pan. The indications are that I am. Also more time for Newport as a whole, where I have continued as the Town Management Committee Chair for a second year, and am looking forward to elections for a Newport Town Council in May.

Nationally the Brown honeymoon has lead into a very poor 3 months after the 'snap election' nonsense. However, I am remain confident that the British people are not daft enough to fall for the Cameron con and that Labour will revive its fortunes.

Best wishes for the New Year to all my readers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.