Friday, June 01, 2007


With the impending elevation of Gordon Brown to Leader of the Labour Party and consequently Prime Minister, thoughts turn to the crowded race to be his Deputy. With six candidates Hilary Benn (pictured), Hazel Blears, John Cruddass, Peter Hain, Harriet Harman and Alan Johnson - it seems like there is a massive choice for party members; but not for me as I won't vote for any of them.

The reason ? None of these saw fit to allow party members a choice over the leadership - they all nominated Brown. So none of them have the democratic credentials I seek. Consequently I will abstain in the ballot.

Our local party made a supporting nomination for Hilary Benn last week. Meanwhile Unison have nominated Alan Johnson. Good grief !


Anonymous said...

Good to see your blog, Geoff - I was a member of IOW CLP in the 90s.

I'd urge you to reconsider your decision not to vote. Despiriting though the situation is, some candidates are better from the point of view of socialist politics and party democracy than others.

Yes, it is a shame that there isn't going to be a leadership contest. But, given that there isn't, we need to try to bring about the best result we can in the circumstances. The debate on the left seems to be between supporting Cruddas and supporting Benn. I think that is the correct debate to be having. Personally, I'm supporting Benn.

Cllr. Geoff Lumley said...

Hi Simon, I remember you well. I seem to recall you also spent some years in John McDonnell's constituency. My ballot paper is here, but I just can't bring myself to fill it in. I agree about the choice for the left and also would vote for Benn - if I was voting.

Fr Simon said...

Well, whatever you decide, keep up the good fight on the Island!

