Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Let us hope that our local MP never has a government job that requires careful judgement. I was always pleased he agreed with me about the war in Iraq, but his remarks suggesting British Muslims should be thrown out of the country were inflammatory in the extreme and will do nothing to foster harmonious race relations.

The Labour MEP for the South East, Peter Skinner, summed it up well today:

Peter Skinner MEP has told Solent TV from his Brussels office, that he was absolutely horrified when he had heard what Mr Turner had said, brandishing 200,000 Muslims as the “enemy within”. Mr Skinner said his comments “inflame quite unnecessarily an already tense situation” and Mr Turner “should be ashamed of himself and apologise to the Muslim population”.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps he plans to set his dogs on them?

Anonymous said...

his remarks suggesting British Muslims should be thrown out of the country were inflammatory in the extreme and will do nothing to foster harmonious race relations

... and I suppose supporting the July 7th bombers does, get real.

Cllr. Geoff Lumley said...

If they do, and I don't believe that it is as prevalent as suggested, ask yourself why ?

Anonymous said...

Labour Government policy perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Why can't we be more like the Australians. If these muslims don't like what this country does or stands for, then they should consider moving elsewhere.