Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Apart from the 'Aim High' dog-leashes all Tory councillors have to wear, you never hear come across this twaddle phrase anywhere these days. Particularly since the new Chief Executive started.......


Anonymous said...

Yeah, but all the officers still have to wear 'the leash'. Pah. They must think we are fools, muesli and sandals indeed. By insulting and dismissing their professional officers, and paying consultants to come and do their jobs, they make it less likely that anyone will tell them the truth. They will be told what they want to hear, and nobody will give them any worthwhile advice.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't believe it when I heard about these tag things. Almost too silly to believe. Who exactly paid to manufacture them - the Conservatives or the IoW Council? Not sure how I feel about public money being used (or alternative, for that matter, party material being hoisted onto public servants)!