Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Today's IW Radio phone-in seemed to be dedicated to 'problem Pan'. The Ash Road incident on the front page of last week's County Press was the catalyst for them to start condemning Pan again. I phoned in, had a perfectly reasonable exchange with the presenter on air where I pointed out that these sorts of terrible incidents are rareties in any community and are not typical for Pan, and agreed to do the phone-in next Monday - something they are now billing as a 'Pan Special'. Tony Coburn, my predecessor as councillor, also phoned in and said much the same as me. They then went onto to suggest that both Tony and I were seeking to gag the media over incidents like this ! Far from it. What we were saying is stop targeting Pan for negative coverage; lets have some positive coverage as well - which we never see.

Next Monday will be challenging.........fortunately I am not a novice, having done two phone-ins earlier this year for the No Mayor campaign.

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