Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Well the Council now has a new Scrutiny Committee with the Chair being Cllr Garry Price (LD). Our inclusive amendment was ruled out as unconstitutional as the issue was debated last month - it wasn't, our amendment was much broader - so we voted against the new Tory proposals for an opposition-lead Scrutiny Committee, along with two of the LibDems - Cllrs Adams and Bowker. The Independents all abstained on the vote. This meant it was lost as it required unanimous support.

So the Tories tabled another proposal that did not require unanimity, which went through with 5 votes against (this time including Price !?!). This provided for a Chair from the opposition (Price - the only one who will take the money), five Tory councillors, two members of the public (to be selected under criteria that will exclude just about all Islanders except those that the Tories want), and one rep. from the parish/town councils. Price himself was elected the new Chair with just 4 votes against (Deborah, me, Adams and Bowker) and the independents again abstaining.

A few other points from the Full Council meeting (which was sparsely attended - 20% of Tories missing, and only four members of the public there at any time - one Tory activist, 2 Labour activists, and the regular Mr Wortham):

1. The agenda was very thin considering how much the Tories reckon they are doing, with nothing substantive to consider. Its not as if the Cabinet are making loads of delegated decisions;

2. Some bloke was put forward to the Standards Committee. As I had never heard of him and there were no details for new members, I voted against him - the rest of the opposition abstained, none are new like me;

3. I asked a written question expressing concern about the Leader's & Deputy Leader's unfriendly press comments about the role of governors in schools (CP 2.9.05), to which I got a reasonable reply and various assurances;

4. Deborah tried to get the Tories to give some details about cuts in non-statutory services in next year's budget, but they were not forthcoming. We know there is a list circulating, but we don't think they have realised the implications for the quality of life of Islanders;

5. In the absence on other council business of one Cabinet member, we did not get a written report. Deborah got assurances there will be in future.

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