First Full Council of this year of years, when the Tory-lead coalition Government - with their loyal Tory friends at County Hall - will do so much damage to our Island through an entirely and unnecessarily rushed public services cuts programme.
And we saw a massive row, doggedly initiated and pursued by me, over the way in which a Tory leadership motion supportive of the destructive cuts programme was railroaded through. In a unique interpretation of our Constitution and the general rules of debate by officers an amendment to the motion from independent Cllr Bacon was accepted by the leadership, put to the vote, agreed (with I believe only Reg Barry (LD) and I against) - and then debate was stopped, with very few (including me) having yet said a word (though I had indicated my wish to speak), and certainly none against.............
We were told when I protested that the substantive motion still needed to be debated, that once a motion is successfully amended that means the substantive motion is also agreed. That is the first I (or many others) have ever heard that interpretation in 35 years of public debating. I have since checked the Constitution and will be taking this illegal and unconstitutional decision further. A total and utter disgrace that fills with me zero confidence in the constitutional advice issued to the Council Chairman.
Other items discussed were:- a motion from Cllr Bacon that tried to improve the relationship between the IW Council and town and parish councils - defeated by Tory councillors; overwhelming agreement to the Independent Remuneration Panel's recommendations on councillor allowances for a 0% increase; some tinkering with the entirely irrelevant scrutiny arrangements for this Council.
At the start of the meeting the IW Stop the Cuts Alliance (which I entirely support) were present in good numbers to ask public questions, but the 15 minutes allowed for such questions was strictly adhered to on this occasion allowing just one written question and three oral questions to be dealt with.
Meeting finished after 3 hours leaving me with a very bad taste in my mouth..........
1 comment:
Come on Geoff! Why have you stopped blogging this year? It's always been great to have a read of your articles.
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