A number of proposed Cabinet-member delegated decisions hit my Inbox this week - before we even have a Cabinet formally in place............
Like all decisions the Cabinet appointments decision by the Council Leader is subject to representations by other councillors - duly made by me - and then a Scrutiny Committee 'Call In' period that does not expire until 6th July. 'Call Ins' are about the only weapon non-Cabinet members have on Council's these days
However, even if I wanted to seek a 'Call In' by the new Scrutiny Committee I'd have a job on my hands. You need 4 signatories to a 'Call In' from members of that committee. There are now only 12 members of that committee, so you need one-third to support you. It used to be 4 out of 15. As 7 of the new committee are loyal payroll Tories that generally reduces the pool I would fish in to 5. Do-able, but hard work........
And not made any easier by the fact that the Liberals have so far failed to put their 2 people forward for the committee.
I am taking a 2 week holiday from tomorrow and by the time I get back quite possibly the Liberals will have at last realised that they have responsibilities as an opposition party at County Hall.