With those words I tonight got my motion on the public service we can expect from the ferry companies through the Full Council - by 35 votes to 1............
I said the words when accepting an amendment to my motion fom the Conservative ruling group that included Southern Vectis within its remit, since local bus services are also to be the subject of a study by the OFT. The amendment also said a few other things I was less happy with, but it retained the three things I wanted the Council to try to get from the ferry companies and now Southern Vectis (see my last post). I think I got a result.
The rest of the Full Council was uneventful apart from right at the end when Barry Abrahams (Con.) expressed a desire that all mainstream political parties on the Isle of Wight work to ensure that we do not have have to share the Council Chamber with the BNP after June. I heartily endorsed what he said, as did the Liberals. The BNP are lurking in some dark corners of the Island and democrats need to be very alert and prepared to stand up to them.
And who was the 1?
Anne Bishop - not sure why
well done geoff
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