At tonight's Budget Council our Labour amendment (3% increase), inclusive of an amendment we accepted from Cllr Ian Stephens on continuing capital budget slippage, secured EIGHT votes. So that's 2007 - 2; 2008 - 5; and now 2009 - 8. At this rate of increase a Labour budget will be agreed in February 2013.........
Anyway thanks this year to Cllrs Hancock, Joyce and Stephens again for their support a second-year running; and to Cllrs Bishop, Churchman and Humby.
A last minute, fag-packet 'amendment' from the Liberals (see last year) - which wanted to defer budget-making for another 2 weeks until a 'robust and deliverable' budget had been compiled - secured 3 votes - their group leader being absent having been presumably consigned to outer Siberia by his parliamentary candidate for speaking before thinking the other week........
The Conservative proposal for a 3.5% increase in Council Tax - that hammers young people, vulnerable people, and tax payers, and that maintains a County Hall political spin machine at huge public expense - was then voted through by all the 28 Tories present, with 11 votes against - all opposition members present.
And where am I supposed to find the extra 3.5% to pay for the spin machine, the subsidy to tourism, the servicing of pointless bureaucracy? No answer from David Pugh, but none from the LibDems either; not even a reasoned amendment - not even a group leader present for the most important debate of the year. What the hell are they playing at? Are they serious about standing for public office? Frankly, it's an outrage that the largest opposition group, a party that will claim it can properly represent the Island at the next General Election, can't even put together an alternative budget. David Pugh is, I believe, actually right when he says in today's County Press that the LibDems put up the budget every year and that their lowest increase was equal to the highest increase under the Tories so far.
Great, isn't it... We're approaching national elections with a government I can't trust, a principal Opposition I trust even less, and local elections where the two major likely contenders for power have all the clearsighted vision of a mole in a coal-cellar (and none of the soft, furry, charm).
Robert you should know the largest council tax rise on the Island was by the Conservatives.Robert what you have to do is compare year by year with other south coast Councils .Hampshire council tax rise is only 1.9 per cent.I think you have been taken in by the Pugh machine .
Can't believe how Pugh speaks on interview. He's embarassing. Did he really go to university?
The Libs don't seem anywhere near putting up enough credible candidates at the June elections. Pugh's lot are home and dry.
As for Jill Wareham surely she's only standing because the Libs HQ don't believe the seat is likely to change from Turner?
This isn't in any of our best interests. All these islanders and barely a handful interested in politics. They're going to get what they deserve eh?
Anon 1, fair point. I'm not singing the praises of David Pugh and the Tories, though. I don't see the need for this increase at this time. They - i.e. whoever gets in next time - will face the need for real cuts in 2010. The more that can be slashed away now, the nearer we can get to basic local government. Better plan for it than be forced into it. My real point here, short-temperedly expressed, was that the LibDems, who ran the Council until fairly recently, either can't be bothered to put an alternative plan together, or don't know how to. What credibility can they claim therefore, and more to the point what choice are we as voters going to have, at the General Election which has to come at some point in the next 2 years?
Yes you'r probably right who do you suggest stands against Andrew Turner he's far from a well man but the Tories know he is a vote winner.
On Wednesday I went to my first ever full council meeting and what an eyeopener it was. Although I have to say, that the only reason my eyes stayed open was because of Geoffs humourous comments and quick wit. Otherwise it would have gone down as one of the most boring 3 hours I've ever spent, with hardly a baa out of the tory flock dispite everyone of them receiving emails objecting to the proposal to cut Music Service funding. No doubt this was a discussion for the backroom before the meeting. However Music Service as we know it has got a reprieve, at least for the next year. Although if this wasn't an election year I doubt whether the U-turn would of occured. Cllr. Pugh proclaimed that this was an example of the tory administration listening to the residents.Hhmm.
I will go again just in case this was an off day and maybe the next time I go I will hear some useful debate instead of the petty sniping that for the most part was totally irrelevant.
Keep it up Geoff, you were the star of the show.
Well Jackie, there are always some of the Tory sheep who NEVER utter a bleat, in support or in caution - has anyone ever heard Bulwer, Hobart, Humber, Kennet or Peacy-Wilcox utter a word at a Council meeting ? Or the new one - elected as a stronmg voice - Dixie ?
Turner 'not a well man' come come. He had a stroke from which he's now recovered. I know his speech isn't alwys 100% but his mind is razor sharp.
A Tory insider told me that two specialist doctors passed him fit. Without that maybe his re-selection as the party candidate for the island wouldn't have been unopposed. My spy tells me the vote was unanimous. There is little sentimentality in politics, if the cruel Tories thought he wasn't up to it someone would've stabbed him in the back by now.
Wareham the shell (empty vessel0 stands no chance.
Saw Andrew Turner in Ryde yesterday. He knocked on my door. I congratulated him on the OFT ferry investigation. It's more than anyone else seems to have achieved. The question is; Why didn't the council support him? The island isbeing bled dry by these greedy companies. It's high time someone put the brakes on.
The council hate AndrewTurner but reports that Pugh sees himself as a future Mp are wide of the mark. The boy just hasn't got enough upstairs, he can't even speak properly.
anon 11:35 Fit for what.
Anon 9.32
Giving Lora Peacy-Wilcox a hard time for not speaking in full council is a bit much.At least she votes against Pugh and gang when she doesn't agree with them. She's no Tory sheep.
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