Word has it that the remaining Tories who have been subject to the Standards enquiry into a planning application for over a year now - Sutton, Bishop, Churchman and Peacey-Wilcox are being barred from being selected as Tory candidates for next year's local elections until the enquiry is over. As that is apparently being strung out by 'unnamed persons', that would mean that it will not be concluded until after the elections next June.
All very convenient for two Shanklin incumbents, a town where three wards will become two next year under boundary changes. Barring Bishop from selection will give them - Pugh and Williams - a potentially free run, subject of course to the local party members.......... Bishop has never left the Tory party, just the Council Tory group, and is currently Chairman of Shanklin Conservatives.............
Geoff, how can you make such an accusation?? We know that Pugh and Williams are beloved in Shanklin and are fully supported by the voters,(yeah right). Is it their fault that 'NEW' evidence keeps coming to light at regular intervals (over a Year later!!) to keep the investigation going until the next election. Perhaps some investigation needs to be made into who keeps submitting 'NEW' evidence - Perhaps a Freedom of Information request would name those helpful people!!!! The stench surrounding this issue is overpowering!
Don't be silly. So much can change in 6 months. The opposition parties could even stop fighting each other. Unlikely yes, but possible.
County hall is a sewer and those how chose to fully dive in therefore come up appropriately fragrant. It is also telling who has the stomach to climb to the top of the stagnant heap and take the crown as King Rat. I’m not surprised, at all at this news. This is what politicians do, duck and dive. I bet if you do request under the data protection act the name of the person/s who keeps delaying the enquiry it will not be Pugh or Williams. Doesn’t mean that it politically suits them to drag their heals over this matter forcing it to possibly be concluded after the election. What needs to happen is for who ever stands against them to publicise such information. Also efforts must be made by the opposition (labour, liberal, green, SOS etc) to encourage people to vote as voter apathy plays into the hands of the governing body whoever that is If you want to change the current act topping the bill at County (David “pretty boy” Drummond & the Pughetts) then we need to encourage a fuller voter return. I think I’m right in saying on 30% voted in the recent Mount Joy election? That’s terrible, the sewer can only be attempted to be flushed clean by democratic means. Use you vote, it is your right. A right that was hard fought for ladies
Formerly David Pugh was Head of Youth at Conservative Central Office with responsibility for Conservative Future (formerly the Young Conservatives). He returned to the Island in 2004 following a vote rigging scandal when leading members of Conservative Future accused him of being a “Cheating B…” (Daily Mirror, 11/9/03).
Is he up to his old tricks again I wonder?
sorry about the spelling, wrote it quickly!!
Bad spelling is fine, just say what you want to say and ignore the pedants!
What about the sexism?
But if all politicians are 'bad' as you imply, why bother flushing at all - doesn't this attitude feed the apathy that you condem? What's the point if they all become tainted?
Next gig: couldn't have put it better myself. You look like a nice lady, talk a lot of sense
and obviously feel strongly about the subject.
Do you have first hand knowledge of our friends at County Hall and are your observations based on experience?
What does Yoda mean?
I tink s/he may be referring to the use of the word ladies, which of course has been outlawed across the land...
Hello Willard Thanks for your kind comments :-)I have dealt with Pugh for over 10 years in a non political arena. He is just as repugnant in that forum as he seems to be in county hall. I have this affliction you see…this disability. I could probably get a grant for it some where. It's called “terminal honesty” Makes me a good teacher but a poor political animal x PS I live in Cllr. Lumley's ward and think he's ok and works hard so I do try to see some good in the "heap"
I am sure that Geoff will see that for the compliment that it is! Nice to get some input from someone who experiences the 'big beasts' in a political and non political setting too. More honest comments please - keep them coming!
How long have you got, Willard at 8.42pm?
Poor Cllr Pugh, always being picked on, such a nice boy too. The blue rinse brigade will come out in force next year because they're true blue and that's all that matters.
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