Last night was the inaugural meeting of the Newport Parish Council. I was elected - by 10 votes to 6 - to be its first Chair.
To my personal relief I am not going to have to wear the title of 'Mayor' for the next year after the meeting agreed by 9 votes to 7 NOT to re-title itself as a 'Town Council' - as it was entitled to. In itself that decision is a little incongruous given Newport's position as the County town, but as someone who successfully lead the campaign three years ago against a directly-elected IW Mayor it would have been even more bizarre if I had acquired that title !!!!
Back to local politics at last. Now perhaps we will hear some common sense from you instead of the rubbish you've been spouting. obviously your week away has done you good.
Then how is it that your partner voted FOR a Mayor, this must have been discussed around your home? Strange!
It’s incredibly ironic that you talk about common sense and spouting rubbish, as you clearly have a deficiency in the former and a gargantuan overabundance of the latter. I’m not sure if you’re the same annoying anonymous, that continually plagues this blog like some kind of socially deprived parasitic leach. But please I beg of you if you’re so interested in the political arena, why don’t you try learning about it. I have never seen you make one coherent political comment. Instead opting to descend in a torrent of incoherent ramblings and playground insults.
So I propose a simple choice either start making some rational logical observations and opinions, or simply be quiet and go sit in the corner with the other children.
Kind Regards
Well Anonymous - I don't know who did or who did not vote for a Mayor and whether your statement is true. But I do imagine that Geoff would be someone who, shock horror, doesn't expect his partner to do as he says or always agree with him? It is the 21st century after all....
My blog said - if you read it properly instead of jumping to conclusions - it was 'to my personal relief' that I wouldn't have that title. Doesn't mean that I don't support the proposition to be a Town Council - which would ergo have to have a Mayor- and if you were that well-informed you would know that I too was one of the seven who voted for town council status. Albeit reluctantly. You can't have one without the other. Its the law !
Well done for getting elected Geoff, but please stop with the OTT PC. You will be "Chairman" and if your partner is elected next year, she will also be Chairman although to be polite you could address her as Madame Chairman but it is not sexist to call the role Chairman.
Sorry you now have to moderate the comments but that seems to be the way of many forums now.
Keep up the good work
as a regular reader of your great blog I say let em say what they wish Geoff. I'd rather know what people really think even if I disagree.
David Doc Holmes
as a regular reader of your great blog I say let em say what they wish Geoff. I'd rather know what people really think even if I disagree.
David Doc Holmes
The comment on "chair" and "chairman" is right. Like it or not, Geoff my boy, you're the Chairman of Newport Parish Council. Congratulations! But as I don't imagine you intend to be sat on, do drop this "chair" stuff, which came from the US in the first place; and the only good thing to come out of the US was the Marx Brothers.
Robert Jones
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