Well I spent yesterday listening to the SOS demo from my sick bed, having been up to St Mary's during the night before with severe nosebleeds. Nothing to do with a visit to Carisbrooke Village Management Committee I can assure you ! More a case of my seemingly beginning to fall apart !!!!
The demo certainly seems to have been very successful and almost as large as the GKN Westlands 600 job losses one back in Feb 2002. The trick now is to keep the momentum going right through to 19 March. Perhaps a march through Newport and demo in early March ?
On Friday a couple of us were wondering who on the IW Council will oppose the barmy proposals in their entirity. We probably still need at least 6 more Tories to show some backbone, provided the 3 LibDems councillors don't change their mind again. Remember - they voted for this ludicrous consultation in November along with Pugh's Tory leadership. Hopefully the views of their local Chairman will be reflected by these councillors.
As big as Westlands, and about as much use. You couldn't force them to keep those jobs anymore than a few hundred angry parents will keep these small schools open. It's Labour government pressure executed by a Tory council that knows the island needs change that's long overdue. It will happen.
Hope you're feeling better Geoff, wondered where you were, we saw your colleagues of course, Cllr Gardener and Mark Chiverton.
Well well well. 'Nothing to do with Labour' said Geoff, now it seems it is everything to do with Labour. Schools across the country are being closed, up to 1,000 maybe, according to Radio 4 and the national press.
Typical government trick, cut the funding and let the local councils take the blame. Hang your head in shame Geoff. It's Labour wot dun it!
I predict Yarmouth and Gurnard will be saved.
Believe Tory initiated propaganda if you must, but isn't it about time you stopped hiding behind anonymity if you are going to offer such nonsenses here? Neutrals know the truth; that's good enough for me.
I have been told today that the large number of primary closures was proposed to frighten people, particularly teaching staff. The estimate of the number of schools which absolutely have to close is 7 to 9 and not all rural.
I have had the same. But isn't is just totally disgusting the way these Tories are playing around with people's lives ?
The surplus places do not add up to the total places in the schools set for closure
Island teachers and support staff have known change is way overdue. The I First lot let them down, it's about time we had a proper sort out. Standards not tiers. The loss of money from the centre is a fact, you can't get out of it but I do admire your loyalty to the last days of the cause.
I have still not heard why anyone thinks that closing local schools and bussing children around the Island is going to improve standards. All we get is vague claims about 'sort out' and 'shake up'.
As to the number of schools to be closed, of course there will be fewer than in the consultation. The numbers there follow the usual scare tactics so that when the true number is revealed people will feel relieved and accept them.
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