Wednesday, December 05, 2007


So remarked a fellow Member when telling me of how the Tories now intend to further emasculate the new Scrutiny Committee.

A rule change will go to Full Council next week that will allow Tory office-holders that are currently banned from Scrutiny, due to their role in supporting the Cabinet's policy-making, to be members of the Scrutiny Committee. So we will see two Tory Policy Commissioners and the Cabinet Secretary for Town & Parish Councils on the Scrutiny Committee in the new year. Putin would be impressed indeed ! Next thing you know there will be Cabinet Members involved - though the Council's website still suggests there is - some 3 months after the coup !

Nonetheless, little effective scrutiny is likely to be done in the remaining 18 dog-months of this appalling Council. Performance management is also to be dumped onto the Committee, and that can take up much of a public meeting if done properly.

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