Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Some free advice to the Tories. Please listen because you won't get anymore on this subject. It was not a very good idea for your Communications consultants to tell you to fill the void in your Cabinet agenda last night with a Q&A session.

I went to the meeting in Yarmouth, which was attended by (excluding IW councillors) - three ex-LibDem IW councillors, one aspirant LibDem, one Tory activist, a co-opted member of the scrutiny committee who is a local resident, 4 Newport taxi drivers, and SEVEN other local people.

Whilst there were a few good questions from the local people, I counted 9 politically-motivated questions from the LibDems. The Leader described this as exactly what the Cabinet wanted. Bravado I think.

My party colleagues deliberately kept out of this session believing that it was for ordinary people. If this ever happens again, we will think again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Geoff fill your boots the Lib Dems were only on a probing exercise.