Friday, November 25, 2005


Went along to the new Scrutiny Committee for an hour or so last night. It was chaired by the renegade Liberal Garry Price who was accompanied by three of the Tory members (with the fourth member waiting in the wings until they get their parish council representative), and two members of the public appointed by the Tories, all supervised for the first 45 minutes by the two Tory 'Cabinet Secretaries'. Who knows what their role was ???? Given this committee is supposed to be in 'opposition control' even I almost felt a little sorry for Cllr Price all on his lonesome. There were no members of the public present, with just me and two other Tories observing. Mind you there was no agenda item for either public or members questions, so there is not a lot of point in turning up unless you are really interested - like me !

Main item they were looking at was the Budget process for next year. They had invited Cllr Wood, Cabinet member for Resources, along but she did not turn up. So much for accountability! The Asst Chief Exec (Finance) told them he would not be in a position to give them real information until mid/late-December when he knew the government settlement and the Tory political priorities. Price tried to pursue a line of questioning about the whole shortened budget-setting process, but was hi-jacked by one of the Tories - Mosdell - who was more interested in a line of - we can help retain funding for vulnerable adults by reneging on at least part of our parking permit manifesto commitment.......

The budget for vulnerable adults, Adult Services, is to be cutback by the Tories by 13% or £4m next year, but so far the cabinet member for Care, Health & Housing (Cousins) has only identified less than £1m. Mosdell clearly comprehends how badly this is going to go down on an Island with so many vulnerable adults. But does his leadership ? Cllr Cousins was invited to make comment to the committee and undertook to 'never do anything that will put people at risk'. We shall see.....

I had to leave at 7.15, but it was clear to me that Price is entirely isolated on this committee. Deborah and I are still happy to be involved, but there is no place for us. We could take the untaken 'independent' place, but that could easily have to be given up at a moments notice. What would be more acceptable would be for the Tories to give up their fourth place to us for the duration of this Council. One thing is for certain - we will never again get the well-structured Scrutiny Committee we had until July before the Tories cleverly wrecked it, as it requires Council unanimity to be re-established. That will never happen now......

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