Tuesday, July 12, 2005


I attended the Development Control Sub-Committee tonight to object to a planning re-application on Robin Hood St, along with a local resident. A classic case of infilling to excess, with little amenity for future residents - seven flats where there is currently one house.

After both the resident and I had spoken the committee then voted 5 votes to 4 to reject the officer's recommendation for approval. They then had to come up with planning reasons for refusal other than social and traffic reasons. Two committee members proposed something which was then lost with only 2 votes in favour and four abstentions. A Liberal councillor then proposed acceptance on the basis that we could end up with the original application for 9 flats if the developer appealed to an Inspector. This then went through by 5 votes to 2 !

So despite winning the argument the Kafka-esque rules of Planning meant that refusal was turned into approval within about 10 minutes !!!!!

Planning is indeed not in the interests of local people. I am glad I declined to be a member of this committee.

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