Thursday, July 22, 2010


Full Council last night was disrupted by a gentleman who seems to be making it his mission to challenge the legality of Council meetings; he was at Cabinet last week doing the same. I don't think he is correct in his argument, but it certainly makes for a rough ride at meetings. Especially when combined with justifiably annoyed young people, campaigning against proposed Tory cuts to their Student Rider. The combination proved to be combustible as the public gallery was cleared for 15 minutes and the police had to have a stern word with said gentleman......

By the time I got onto my anti-VAT increase motion I felt quite low key. Of course I argued my case that it unfairly penalises pensioners and the low paid far more than the better-off, then received support from numerous independents, and then listened to Cabinet members - though not backbench Tories - blame everything since the 'fall of man' on the last Labour government ! As expected my motion was lost by 23 votes (all 21 Tories present and 2 independents) to 7 (myself and 6 independents), with 5 abstentions - one independent and all four LibDems. No surprise there then as their 'Tory VAT bombshell' from prior to the general election becomes settled LibDem policy. Vote Liberal, get the Tories..........don't forget Islanders........

We then moved onto the Tory proposals for starting to cut back the budget for this year and the next 4 years. The Student Rider abolition is one facet of these savage and draconian cuts, but they are also targeting vulnerable people, young people in need, bus users, and various other groups. All part of the new ConDem governments determination to unnecessarily reduce the national budget deficit in just 5 years, putting our entire economy at risk.

As usual it seems these days, all of this is my fault as the Council leadership try to decide who is the bigger bogey man on the island - me or Southern Vectis.

After the debate a named vote approved the Cabinet cuts proposals, including abolition of the Student Rider, by 20 votes to 11:- all 20 Tories still present in favour, all opposition councillors still present against - including this time the 2 LibDems still in the room. Strange - but welcome......

Meeting then concluded at 10pm after 4 roller-coaster hours.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


At Cabinet on Tuesday night I watched the local Tories thoroughly enjoying themselves as they prepare to deliver savage cuts to local jobs and local public services on behalf of the unelected Coalition Government.

Lots of deep regret and sighing at what they will have to do over the next 4 years, but frankly it felt to me like they were enjoying themselves. Tories - and some in the Lib Dems, like Clegg - have always wanted an excuse to reduce the public sector, and this government is more intent on that policy than even the dreaded Thatcher and her ilk. So much for voting Liberal to keep the Tories out..........what we have got is Conservatism with knobs on ! There is no doubt that there has to be some level of cuts to start to address the national budget deficit (as the last government detailed), but I get the feeling that much of what will happen under this unelected government is almost gratuitous in its savagery.

At the meeting the Lib Dem group leader was invited by one Tory Cabinet member to sign his group up to the Tory Council cuts agenda, but sadly the said gentleman failed to seize the opportunity to distance himself and his local party from the Coalition Government. Hm......

So now we have a Cabinet paper going to Full Council next week that will commence the the four-year nightmare. Of course I will oppose it and would expect some of the independents to do the same. And hopefully the 4 Lib Dems ?

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

AWAITING THE AXE..............

At the IW Council Cabinet next week will begin the local process of planning for the savage and draconian cuts to public services demanded by the new Conservative-Liberal coalition government. A government elected by no one and without a popular mandate for the sorts of cuts to our services we will see over the next 5 years.

That is my view in response to the published Budget Review paper going to the Council Cabinet on Tuesday next week:

I accept that of course the national deficit needs to be reduced and the last Labour government had a strategy to reduce the deficit significantly over the next 5 years. However, the Con-Dem coalition government is determined to clear the deficit entirely - run up by shoring up the failing banking sector - within just 5 years, with cuts in public services of at least 25% if not more. Cuts at a level that were not mentioned in either of their election manifestos.

25% cuts would translate for the IW Council (according to their review) to at least £5.5million of cuts, probably more, in each of the next 4 budget years. Inevitably hurting vulnerable people the most, as we have already seen this year, and slashing Council jobs at a time when we need people in employment to kickstart the local economy.

The Review paper going to next week's Cabinet further identifies:

1. Further budget pressures THIS year - before the government axe fully falls - of £6.5million, especially in Adult Care services and Children's Services, and in the failure to identify £3m of savings budgeted for this year prior to the General Election.

2. £2.19m of early cutbacks by the new government on specific grants this year - including £470k for road safety schemes.

3. The increase in VAT to 20% as having 'limited impact on local authorities' - who unlike low-paid local people can claim it back.

As the only political councillor at County Hall currently openly opposing this coalition government I am appalled to imagine what is likely to happen locally over the next 5 years of cutting public services. I believe many Islanders will feel the same and I am hopeful that many will come together in the weeks and months ahead to campaign locally and nationally against these cuts.